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**For privacy the Class Directory is password protected. If you need the password, please contact Nancy Montgomery Gilmour: ntgilmour@aol.com.

Dear Classmates,
The time has come after 24 years for me to retire as the website, communications and record keeping person. Perhaps one of you would like to take it over? I would be happy to provide you with all of the documents and information you would need to get started.
Unless you are able to do the technical Internet work, you will need to find someone to help you with that. My friend and helper, Marsha, is professionally retired and doesn’t plan to continue. There are several options:
1. Continue the website in its current or similar form with periodic updates.
2. Instead of the website, send an occasional email with news of classmates.
3. Keep the present-day website on the Internet by paying the yearly hosting fee.
4. A website has been established by Arcadia alums Greg and Carolyn Tober:
5. There is an Arcadia Apaches page and an Arcadia Apaches Memorial page recently started on Facebook. (Thank you, Valerie Skoglund Harris ’58 for sharing this information.)

If anyone wants to discuss this further, please email me at the address above. It has been a pleasure to connect with so many of you over the years, and to carry on the work David Gilmour and Dale Wullner started in 1997. Thank you for your appreciation and support, and for the generous contributions you have made.
My very best wishes,
Nancy Montgomery Gilmour

November 2021

Paul Geller
and Susan have been staying well during these pandemic months ensconced in their L. A. Canyon home, keeping each other company and busy with projects. “Good health to you all.” https://pgeller.com

Tupper Pettit
: “I saw in the newsletter that Marian Blake Rowe passed away. Her son, Major Alan Blake Rowe was killed in Iraq in 2004. There is a plaque in the memorial room at the Marine’s Memorial Club in San Francisco. I’m sure anyone can visit. Heartbreaking to read all the names.”

When their computer was hacked last year, the day before Thanksgiving, Ann Sullivan Howell and her husband Tony lost access to all of their emails and address book. Around that same time, Tony began to have difficulty walking. This past February, he had major back surgery followed by a long rehab. “In May, we sold our bilevel, five-bedroom home of 43 years and moved across the street to a three-bedroom ranch. Besides moving, we’re in the process of downsizing. Too much stuff! The garage is full of furniture and many moving boxes. Too much of everything, and of course our two kids do not want anything. I am finally finding time to paint with my plein air groups. Great therapy!” Ann’s new street address and email is in the

Very sad news from Ralph Rittenhouse: He and his wife Ann got Covid this past winter. Both were hospitalized. Ann, who had a history of asthma, died; Ralph recovered. Terribly sudden and tragic. Ralph is currently recovering from back surgery. His address and email are in the
Directory if anyone would like to write to him.

Quite a few of you shared fond memories of our classmate Dick Van Horn who passed away this past June. (See the Obituary.) Here are some of them:

John Sullivan: Although we had only a passing acquaintance in school, Dick had a large impact on my 45+ years of coaching youth soccer at the recreational level. In 12th grade PE, the teachers decided to designate some of us as player coaches to choose classmates for our teams. Dick was left out after we had finished the process. Although we had even teams, I told the PE teachers I wanted him on my team and they agreed. We played throughout the year…softball, touch football, basketball and track. I tried to substitute so that everyone got to play in every game. To my amazement, we finished in the top tier in all but track. Fast forward two to three years: I am married, working full time and taking a few night classes at PCC. Dick is home on class break from Harvard, and Jack Pullman brings him over to my house. When Dick and I are alone, he reminds me of that PE class and says, ‘That was the only time I have ever been selected to be on a sports team.’ Fourteen years later when I began coaching youth soccer, I remembered the lessons of my senior year PE class and focused on developing the weaker, less skilled players. Players want to be in the game. That, rather than won-loss records is what they will remember. During my ten years as coach manager, and before turning a team over to a parent to coach, I would take the parents aside and tell them the story of Dick Van Horn. When your child comes off the field, there are only one or two comments you should make to them: ‘I never knew you could run so fast, or I never knew you could kick so hard.’
Bill Eldredge: I remember teaming with him when it was time to demonstrate our science prowess at Open House in Mrs. Bowen’s class. Dick dreamed up this idea of a nuclear reactor using ping pong balls on mouse traps, simulating stable neutrons inside a wire hemisphere. We dropped one “neutron” into the hemisphere and watched the whole mess of mouse traps go off in a “nuclear” explosion, much to the delight of our parental audience. It was pure Van Horn, with me as his assistant Igor. I will always consider him a dear friend and one to be admired. May he Rest in Peace.

Peggy Tremayne: I ran into Dick at the Sacramento state Capitol several years ago. He was there lobbying for mental health, and I was there lobbying for education. He looked so much the same and continued his life in service to others. Another Arcadia High School hero! I think we owe a lot to Ms. Leonard, Mr. McKibbon, Mr. Savage and many other teachers and staff. And we owe a great deal to Dick and his service to others.

Jim Norris: Dick, Bob Cummings and I hung out together. Does anyone know why Dick took this road?

Myron Reichert: I remember Dick well as a friend at First Avenue School. He was a really bright, skinny kid whom I initially failed to recognize much later at one of our early reunions. He’d grown into his body which altered his appearance a lot. Great story and a life lesson example from John Sullivan about Dick. I tried to do the same when coaching Little League. I only did it for three years and I love John’s example.

Karen Grell Opdyke: I knew Dick for many years, and he was always a caring and compassionate person, even at a young age. Having been married to a Presbyterian minister for 56 years, I totally understand the love and service to others that he lived. I know you will RIP Dick.

Bill Hamilton keeps this photo on the wall in his garage. (“Wall art!”) He and Marilyn wanted to share it in honor of Dick for all to enjoy. “I hope we got the names right.”
Top row: Binnie Busby, Ralph Butcher, Bill Hamilton, Joan Prestin
Second row: Karen Johnson and Dick Van Horn in the TC MG 43 car; standing by: Marylee Grant and Wendy Harris
Third row: Larry Martin, Jean Golisch, Gloria Geisler, Dick Heilman
Seated in front: Julie Albi, Allen Livingston, Dave Pratt, Bill Eldredge, John Lindell, Annette Gish



May 2021

Lots of thoughtful emails, letters, cards and notes from our classmates. Some of them accompanied by generous checks to support this website. Thank you! I hope I have remembered everyone.

Jean Ramage: “Despite the pandemic, Lakeview Antiques and Collectibles in Big Bear Lake, CA has been thriving. Hours are set around my teaching schedule at California State University at Northridge.”

Barbi Knopp Wesser:
“With the lockdown isolating me from friends and family, I decided to take on some new projects this past year. I completed a DVD course in drawing which was challenging and fun. I’m also in the middle of another class from LSU for piano. I’ve continued my sewing, making masks and surgical caps for my grandson and his colleagues who are EMT’s, and also making quilts, dolls and children’s clothing. I was very busy, but it didn’t keep me from suffering, like many, with anxiety and depression along the way. Like everyone, I’m looking forward to our world-wide nightmare to be over! Sending best wishes to all my classmates.”

John Jacobi: “Hi. It’s good to hear from you and a BIG hello to the Reunion Committee and all my classmates!”

Bob Sirkegian: “I attended the recent Mecum motorcycle auction in Las Vegas where I sold a number of my restored old racing motorcycles to a guy in Austin, TX who is going to finish his museum and feature the three motorcycles I rode drag racing from 1952-55 at Pomona. The were Triumph, especially built for drag racing. I rode them during my years at AHS. Please keep me informed about any possible reunion date.” [You can find Bob’s videos on YouTube by searching for ‘Bobby Sirkegian’.]

Gordon Maddock: “The Gordon Maddock clan—including my son, daughter, brother and their spouses and families—has moved to Tellico Village in Loudon, TN. I loved my life in Southern California, and have many fond memories, but things changed and I sought a better environment.” [Gordon’s new address and contact info is in the Directory.]

Kay Petrusha Thompson: “I’m doing well considering the unusual year we have had, and very grateful I’m not living in a retirement home where I’m restricted to only one room. It makes me really appreciate my home. I’m also glad that my family and grandkids are close. They all come over to visit often.”

Dorene Meisch Leatherwood: I have moved to Circleville, OH [address in Directory] and finally gotten everything to my new house. It’s been a long process of going through stuff and downsizing. I’m adjusting to being a widow. As I went through things, I kept wanting to share with Ed. Overall, things are good and my children have been very supportive and helpful. I’m sad that we couldn’t have the reunion.”

Dick Carl Martin: “It would be nice to have a ‘What happened to…?’ I’ve lost touch with Chuck Peterson. Just a thought.” Does anyone know where Chuck is?

John Sullivan: “Last year I had an aneurysm is my good eye, going from 20/20 to essentially blind. Working with various exercises and taking supplements, my eyesight has significantly improved so I can now type. I probably never will be able to drive or return to teaching in middle school. Books on tape are a godsend. I strongly recommend Human Diversity by Charles Murray which I previously read and now listen to on tape. Annie (San Gabriel High ‘58) and I are moving this summer from Arlington, VA (since 1969) to the Boulder, CO area, close to our son and youngest daughter and three of our grandchildren. I may even help out with youth soccer while Annie pursues her watercolor painting. Recently she and I had a long Facetime with Harvey Herr and his wife, Paula. [See below.] If any of you are interested in learning more about the activities which helped me regain some of my eyesight, feel free to drop me a line.”

Harvey Herr: Harvey is still putting in eight-hour days working on a contract with the Lebanese government. He and his wife, Paula, are looking for a place to retire. He was on leave at his longtime residence in Kenya (where their two sons were born and raised) when Covid hit and they closed the airport. The college contacted him to say that the street side window of his office blew in, and there was glass all over, including a foot plus-high pile on his desk.” Not a fun call to receive! [John Sullivan]

Susie Cumins Newell: “During February, our small town of Silverton, OR had an ice storm. Trees loaded with ice fell on power poles and transformers blew, filling the sky with bursts of light. All night we heard trees crashing down. In the morning, we discovered everyone’s landscaping had been drastically altered. No power and temperatures at and below freezing. No lights, no heat, no phones, including cell phones. (Cell towers were out.) Candles galore and lots of snuggling in bed. A LONG, COLD five days!! Russ (’56) is still riding his road glide special—71 years of riding a bike! Susie’s still doing quarter inch dollhouse miniatures. And our extended family now includes seven children, 20 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren.”

Jim Allison: “Margie and I visited our daughter, Lisa’s family in Gaithersburg, MD recently for 3½ weeks. [Must be nice, Jim, to travel again!] We saw the sights and I helped my son-in-law fix up some items in their home.”

Peggy Tremayne: “This month I’m at our condo in Puerto Vallarta. Judy Malone Edwards joined me for a week of mariachis, margaritas and chile rellenos. Lots of fun! Stay well, everyone.”

Marylee Grant Goyan has the best of two worlds, dividing time between her condo and life on the water in Coronado and her condo on the fairway in Palm Desert. She keeps busy with her grandchildren, family and friends, and is still the cook and hostess with the ‘mostest’.

Susan Cramer Peters has been able to enjoy regular visits with her children and grandchildren this past year. They have found creative ways to get together outdoors using social distance, and now that life is returning to normal, she and they have resumed their usual school, social and athletic activities. She and her grandson, Kai, are enthusiastic San Francisco Warriors and Giants fans, and enjoy watching games together.

Megan Geffeney Wagner has been spending time in her attic sorting through old photos and memorabilia documenting her family’s Japanese connection. Recently, Megan was contacted by a historian and author based in Portmouth, NH who’s doing research for a book he’s writing about the art of Japanese tattooing. Turns out that Megan's grandfather and uncle were raised in Japan and were well known Japanese interpreters in the San Francisco courts in the 1890's. On one of their trips to Yokohama, her uncle visited the studio of a famous Japanese tattoo artist where he had his arms covered with designs. Fascinating—the things we learn about family!

Tom Trippe: “Kirsten and I are getting through the pandemic all right, being in a lucky state: retired, with a nice garden and two sweet dogs. Kirsten works with the Milo Foundation and dog rescue, so lately we’ve been fostering two additional adult dogs and four puppies. The puppies have been adopted but the adults are still looking for their forever homes. I’m keeping the vegetable garden producing, so we grow most of our food. Our kids and grandkids are doing okay with a few exceptions, and I just learned that my granddaughter is pregnant, so soon I will graduate to great grandfather!”

Pam Boller Pingle and Penny Pearson Labourdette sent checks and notes expressing interest in a future reunion and offering to help in any way they can from a distance.

This past January, Rene Caron shared some very sad news: “It is with great sadness and a broken heart that I announce my beloved wife, Sandy, passed away January 5, 2021. Even though Sandy had late-stage Alzheimer’s disease, it was Covid-19 that prematurely took her from us. Sandy was my sunshine. She was my partner and the love of my life. She was a loving and generous family member and dear friend to many.”
Those of you who attended the 40th, 50th and/or 60th reunions, and who met Sandy, can vouch for what a gracious and lovely person she was. Rene—we send you belated, deepest condolences for your loss.

Bob Askin: In April, Rene Caron visited Bob at his Walnut Creek home, and will be seeing him again in June. Rene said, “Bob continues his courageous struggle with Parkinson’s Disease. While his condition has declined some, he remains the same great guy that he has always been with a good sense of humor and lasting devotion to his family and friends. If you knew Bob, I'm sure he would love to hear from you. His address, phone numbers and e-mail are now in the Class Directory. If you would like to call him, use his cell phone number. If you would like to e-mail him, use the e-mail address in the Class Directory. Copy me at rhcaron@gmail.com so I can make sure that he sees the e-mail.”

Judy Bullock Cadenasso : "Like everyone else, I was happy to say goodbye to 2020. We came through unscathed. Sil and I have been in Rapid City, South Dakota for a two-week home exchange, seeing national parks, monuments, etc. We will return to Hawaii in August for three months. Between Sil's children and mine, we have six grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Time marches on, doesn't it? We have our share of aches and pains, but are still well enough to travel."

Harvey Herr sent some additional news: " I just want to let you and everyone know that I'm alive and well with my wife, Paula, and two sons Harvey Jr. and Tom. I split my time between Beirut, Lebanon and Nairobi, Kenya. Although not yet retired, we are making plans this year about where to finally settle during our remaining years. Life has been good to me and I continue to work in development under USAID contracts. I often read the AHS website wondering if I will ever be in the right place at the right time to attend one of the reunions. One of my best friends is classmate John Sullivan with whom I have shared correspondence and visits over the years. I left Arcadia immediately after graduation when my family moved to Denver, CO. From Denver my brother Jim ('58) and I joined the Navy (inspired by the Victory at Sea documentary). I then went on to community college, Berkeley, Vietnam, and grad school at University of Washington. After Vietnam, since 1974, I have lived overseas, almost exclusively in Nairobi. All the best to all of you, and I look forward to meeting you face-to-face."

Gary Tickemyer: "I always enjoy reading through the postings, class news and comments. Those four years at AHS, and the two previous years at First Avenue Jr. High, were very special in my personal development. I have kept up with three class mates, Barry Waylett, Ross Heale and Tom Boswell. Sadly, Barry and Ross have passed on. Tom came to see me in Coeur d’Alene, ID several years ago in his RV which we parked in our driveway. Don Wesser ('56) is also someone I remember well who was very good with the shot put on the track team. My claim to fame was passing the baton to Tom Boswell in several of the relays, and I did hold the CB and Varsity high jump records at one time.My wife, Jean, and I run an Airbnb vacation rental out of our home here in Coeur d’Alene. It’s called “Tick’s HideAway". We closed last year because of Covid and have remained closed this summer season as well. We hope to be open next year! There is a recent photo of Jean and myself on our Airbnb web page: www.airbnb.com. Thanks again to all who have kept the Apache spirit alive along with those wonderful memories." 

November 2020

It has been a long, slow, uncertain, sometimes frustrating eight months since the 63-Year Reunion of our class was canceled. Things are still uncertain and only time will tell if another reunion is in our future. Meanwhile, here are bits and pieces of news shared over the past several months. Thank you for your patience.

Bill Dickey wrote asking if we knew that our class had a running celebrity. Following the 60th Reunion, he persuaded Nancy Roscoe Gilmore to run the Palm Springs 6K (3.6 miles) Tram Road Challenge. In Bill’s words: “Since she lives in Palm Desert, the race is practically in her backyard. She not only showed up but was 5th in her age group!  When you consider the climb (2200 ft.), you realize what she accomplished. Fast forward to October 2019. I asked her if she was going to run again. She was already signed up! Race day arrives. I don’t see her but there are about 900 runners. At the finish, during the awards, she has run the race in 1:30 and won 2nd place!” Congratulations, Nancy! An impressive start to your 80th decade of life!

As you may recall, Bill Dickey is an excellent runner himself. He spent a lot of time this past year in San Dimas, walking and running the trails. Few people = social distancing. “Our local trails out of Sierra Madre and Chantry Flats are closed. The high school campus is locked up. A perfectly good 400-meter track is sitting there with barbed wire fence, concertina and razor wire at the top, and 480 volts of electricity surging around!” [April]

Shirley Burgess Vanderbeck enjoys getting together with Mary Kloezeman Saladin and Shari Day Hubbard once or twice a year. She sent a lovely photo!

Rene Caron’s wife, Sandy, is now residing in an assisted living and memory care facility in Laguna Niguel, so Rene sold their home of nearly 38 years. He purchased, and lives in, a spacious condominium in Laguna Woods. “I’m still close to where Sandy resides, so I’m able to visit her nearly every day.”  New address information for Rene is in the
Class Directory.

Sadly, Dorene Meisch Leatherwood lost her husband in January 2020 following an extended illness. She had made plans to come to the reunion from Ohio and was looking forward to seeing everyone. She has close family living nearby.

Also, sadly, Tupper Pettit’s wife, Irene, passed away in July 2020 after 54 years of marriage. Their son, Justin, daughter-in-law, Margaret, and beloved grandchildren, Claire and James, are close. Irene is also survived by a host of cousins, nieces and nephews. She and Tupper loved the outdoors.

Condolences to Dorene and Tupper, and any other classmates and their spouses we haven’t heard about.

Richard Bensen and Bill Dickey met recently for a beer at Northwoods Inn in Arcadia. The subject of the No. CA fires came up: damage to property and, in particular, smoke damage to grapes and the wine crop, something Bill was not familiar with. He was in Mammoth in September 2019. “The smoke was thick, even though the Creek Fire was over 30 miles away.” 

Jack Schuler sent an email back in March with this bit of nostalgia. Not everyone may have seen it, and besides, it bears repeating. https://safeshare.tv/x/FEDEwZHZXu

A little more nostalgia from the
60th Reunion, thanks to John Albi: ARCADIA HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1957 60th REUNION - YouTube.

 Barbara Gumz Willis wrote: "AHS updates take me right back in my mind to Arcadia days. Though I was only there two years, I felt like I belonged. Missing California."  

Gordon Maddock: "On November 25, I am moving with my entire family to Tennessee. I will still help with the reunion."  Wow, Gordon...huge!  Gordon's new address is in the Class Directory.

Linda Lee Brill Smith
is keeping well in Lindon, UT. She practices good health habits and has experienced the benefits of herbs and essential oils over the years. "My father lived to 96, so hopefully I have more good years left." Like many of us, Linda is currently downsizing, so she will no longer have a yard and garden to care for next year. 

February 2020

Classmates are responding and sharing news as we plan for the reunion:
Judy Shoemaker Douglass sends her regrets. “We are taking a cruise to the South Pacific to celebrate my 80th birthday and our 40th wedding anniversary.” We’ll miss you, Judy. Congratulations to you and Don!

Cheryl Powers McGill sends her warm regards to everyone, and regrets that she won’t be able to attend due to knee replacement surgery in April.

Richard Leach and Sandy (Swanson ’59) will be in Ojai Valley that weekend, watching their grandson play in a tennis tournament…the same annual tournament Richard played in from 1955-85! “We are really sorry to miss the reunion. Too many good things happening on that same weekend.”

Pam Boller Pingle looks forward to attending the reunion after she returns from her 16-day cruise through the Panama Canal. “I’ve been super busy organizing an auction/dinner for charity and will be glad to relax completely!”

Jim Norris: “Hey, everyone, no can do. Last year was another trip to Ireland with James A, the 5th. Next, we’ll be back to Scotland. I’ve worn out my travel gene…multi trips to Europe, month in Paris two years ago. OK, everyone, have fun!”
Jackie Worker McCarthy sends her regrets: “Sorry I won’t be able to attend. I know it will be wonderful and lots of fun. I will be thinking of you all and wishing for the best health and joy in our remaining years for everyone of us fortunate to be in the ‘Class of ’57’.”

Justine Pietrzak Hand (Howard ’56, deceased): “ Thank you for the update. So sorry I can’t make it. Would really love to. My heart will be there thinking of you all. And recalling the wonderful days in Arcadia. If anyone comes by Gilroy, you're always welcome to stop in.”

October 2019

Plans continue for the 63-Year Reunion of our class in Arcadia. A variety of activities will be offered. Some of you may want to spend your time relaxing and visiting in the spacious sitting areas at the Embassy Suites hotel. For those wanting to venture out, there will be group transport, lunch and tours of the Arboretum, the Arcadia Museum, and the AHS campus (very different now!). A highlight will be dinner at The Derby on Saturday night. Their famous Bacon-Wrapped Filet (along with other delicious entrees) is still starring on the menu. 
More details about activities, hotel reservations and our special group rate will be forthcoming with the next update.  Stay tuned!

April 2019
Depending on the day, and sometimes the moment, Marylee Grant Goyan wears one of her many hats (sometimes literally): home decorator and project manager (x 2), party planner, painter, jewelry maker, dog walker and frequent weekend chauffeur for friends and her two grandchildren--one a teenager, one almost--who enjoy spending time in her Coronado and Palm Desert homes. She cooks frequently for friends and family, and grills a mean artichoke!  

Susan Cramer Peters
is every child’s idea of the perfect grandmother; parents and friends agree! She divides her time between her home in Marin and San Francisco, enjoying family gatherings, school basketball games, teenage lunch dates, chauffeuring, cooking, and hosting overnights. In addition, she travels, entertains and visits friends, attends church activities, and grows a beautiful garden. A favorite destination is Kona to visit her Seattle cousin and his wife who live part-time in Hawaii. “It’s lovely for me to visit them in paradise!”

By all accounts, Julie Albi Shelley and her husband, Donald, should be on the PGA golf tour. “We are always busy either playing golf or entertaining friends and neighbors who stop by, having dinner, etc. It’s a rare night to find us home alone. We spend the months of August and September in Mammoth, six months golfing in the desert, take a summer trip, and then start over again. Our current motto is ‘Happy Days and Good Times’ and that is my hope for all of you.”

Jean Golish Clark and husband, Tom, are happy to see some spring sunshine in Cloverdale, CA. Last she counted they had had 57 inches of rain! Weather permitting Tom plays golf while Jean swims, does water aerobics, reads the latest novel for her book club, and practices yoga for balance and strength. They both enjoy time with their children and granddaughter who live in the San Francisco Bay Area. Cruising is now their preferred way to travel. Not long ago, they took a Princess cruise to Hawaii, and in October will take another to the Northwest.

Susie Cumins Newell and family celebrated husband Russ’s (Newell ’56) 80th year last summer with a big birthday bash in Santa Maria, CA. You have to know numbers to appreciate what “big” means in this context. Between the two of them, Susie and Russ take the prize for the most children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. [See Nov. 2018] When not celebrating family, Susie designs and creates ¼” scale miniatures, amazing, one-of-a-kind heirloom treasures that you have to see to believe.

Megan Geffeney Wagner is still jazz and tap dancing every week (no lie!) and taking yoga and strength training classes at her local YWCA. Husband Bill isn’t as mobile as he used to be, so, “I’m now ‘the legs’ in this operation.” Megan has always been an avid reader and lately has gotten the Marie Kondo bug [The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up]. She went to snowy WA in March to celebrate her granddaughter’s 11th birthday. Lots of rain and cold in Newport Beach too this past winter/early spring.

Barbi Knopp Wesser enjoys sewing, reading and playing bridge, and misses the enjoyment of younger grandchildren, now that hers are all grown up. “Two recently became engaged!” She and Don are no longer traveling as much, but are going to Kauai, their favorite Hawaiian island, in May. Their family recently gathered from as far away as Philadelphia to celebrate Don’s 80th birthday. ‘Tis the season! 😊

Shirley Burgess Vanderbeck gives new meaning to a ‘retirement’ lifestyle. She still serves as secretary or parliamentarian for no less than eleven boards or local chapters. When time permits, she serves as tour guide for senior citizen bus trips for the city of La Verne. She has become a serious student of genealogy, tracing her family line back to her 31st great grandfather, King Robert the Bruce of Scotland, and in the process, discovered she’s also related to other European aristocrats dating back to Charlemagne. She is proud to call herself Native American, having learned she is part Choctaw on her mother’s side. “I have found this project to be not only enlightening, but humbling.”

Now that Peggy Tremayne is retired, she and husband Harry Fussganger are spending more time traveling and enjoying their condo in Puerto Vallarta. “Our wildest trip was driving the Pan American highway from Alaska to Tierra Del Fuego at the tip of South America.” Peggy’s first career was in education—teacher, special education coordinator, high school principal. Later she entered private practice as a marriage, family and child therapist (MFT). She and Harry have two children and five grandchildren—two recently graduated, three still in college. She was chosen Outstanding Woman in the History of Torrance, and South Bay Woman of the Year in 2018 for her charity work. “Whatever success I have had, I owe in great part to Arcadia High School and to UCLA. Special thanks to Mr. McKibbon, Mr. Savage and Miss Learned. They changed my life. And love to my many ‘old’ friends from AHS.”   

Nancy Montgomery Gilmour enjoys the companionship and company of family and friends and still flies (ugh!) to the East Coast and England to visit children and grandchildren, but struggles daily with the loss of David and the life they shared. “I know some of you face similar challenges due to your own health and aging, or the health, aging, death or dying of someone you love. I wish you small miracles and, in the words of Julie Albi Shelley, ‘Happy Days and Good Times,’ even if different or not as frequent now.”  

March 2019

Jim Norris, like some other classmates, has caught the ancestry bug. He went to Ireland again in 2018 with his son searching for his father’s mother’s family, the Hagans, and this year he plans to visit Northern Ireland. “My earliest ancestor showed up in the Chesapeake area around 1640. We’re Scot/Irish and Welsh. Haven’t made it to Wales yet.”

As of December 2018, Bill Hohlt has been conductor on 15 Polar Express trains and has only 28 more to go! 😉 “Some snow in Ely [NV] so far but mostly cold.” [See January 2016]

John Sullivan hears from Harvey Herr and wife, Paula. “One of their sons lives in Africa; I believe the other is currently in Germany. In his last email, Harvey again threatened to retire. He has, for the past few years, been working in Lebanon which he loves.”
In the summer of ’56, John’s mother and brother moved to North Hollywood and he chose to stay in Arcadia. “Walt and Bob McCormick’s mother took me in until I graduated. A side note: somehow, I ended up with their younger brother David’s copy of our ’57 yearbook, so will likely never be able to revisit whatever classmates wrote in mine.”

Justine Prietzak Hand has been working for JVS (Jewish Vocational Service) health service for 15 years as a nutritional consultant. “It always amazes me how just a couple of changes in a person’s diet—eliminating the foods they are allergic to or eat too much of—will get them on the road to good health. It is so true, ‘You are what you eat.’”

‘Jackie’ Worker McCarthy reflected on some of the places she has lived over the years: “I lived in San Francisco in the ‘60’s and “absolutely loved that part of the country. In the early 60’s I lived in Manhattan, and that is my very favorite place to live. Last time I went back in 2009, I realized that, even though it is so exciting, I wouldn’t be able to handle the weather as I age. Los Angeles [where Jackie currently lives] has become a traffic nightmare and you have to carefully plan in advance all your activities.”

David Davis [wrote to Barbi Knopp Wesser]: “Thank you for your letter and I appreciate your outreach. I have surprisingly (for me) vivid memories of high school and while I don’t use social media, have kept up on some things through Google and news from my brother, Mike, who was a year behind me. I have seen [the AHS website] updates and have to say that I haven’t recognized any of the people I’ve seen (maybe like Proust’s protagonist not recognizing most of his social acquaintances from 20 years ago), but I do remember names and pictures of classmates from the 1957 class. Reunions haven’t been possible for me for many reasons and I regret that, but keep me posted. Thanks again.” [David’s current email can be found in the Directory.]

Annette Gish Hall and husband, Gary, live in Meridian, ID, a suburb of Boise. “The world is moving here! In the 14 years since we moved to this area, the population has exploded.” They first moved to Eagle (Chris Dueker and wife, Joyce, live there) and then bought a small home in nearby Meridian. Annette says they love the climate and lifestyle: “We had snow yesterday and today it’s all gone. Never rains really hard; usually can’t even hear it rain. Boise is a great town for things to do: Shakespeare theatre in the summer, Morrison Center for musicals, symphony, sports, etc. Unique are the many separate areas that have their own flavor: Hyde Park, North End, The Bench.
Bill Eldredge and Molly (Sinkule ’59) lived in McCall, two hours away, for 18 years (I think). They were on the lake, fabulous in summer. Winter in the mountains is another story, and Bill got tired of shoveling snow off the roof. We visited them once and met in Boise once. Wish we could have met with them more.” [Bill and Molly are now living in La Jolla.]

November 2018

Karen Hunter Slawson sent a lovely note: “It’s been four years since my husband, George, died and I know the way forward isn’t easy. My children wanted me to move closer to them, and I finally did this last January. I live in Vancouver, WA now, just across the mighty Columbia River, and across the street from my son, Chris, and only two hours from my daughter, Cassie, in Olympia. I’m delighted to read about all our friends, and amazed that so many are so active with travel and living life to the fullest. Great stories!”

Joyce Mark Goodman remains busy and active, and an inspiration to many, in spite of some sight issues. Her cooking and exercise show, called “Good Health God’s Way,” can be seen on HSBN, the Holy Spirit Broadcasting Network. [ www.hsbn.tv] “I’ve also updated my book, Gluten Free for Me, which now has 44 recipes, 60 Bible verses, and a lot of new, healthy material. Also, I’m tapping again. I feel so blessed!”

John Sullivan: “I hung up my soccer coaching cleats last season after 43 years coaching rec teams during which I put together 27 all-star teams for an annual Father’s Day tournament. I’m still substitute teaching at Arlington, VA middle schools two or three times a week. Anna and I travel to CO to visit our youngest daughter and son and their families.” John shared a cute AHS story: “Judy Quarness Langan’s address was listed as “out of date” [now updated, see Directory] so I did an Internet search. You may ask why I did the search. I transferred to AHS from Altadena HS in the middle of 10th grade, (the same school Judy Malone Edward-Bogaards transferred from). On New Year’s Eve I went alone to the Pasadena Roller Rink. When it grew close to midnight, some guy began bugging Judy Quarness for a kiss. She recognized me and asked if I would skate with her until after the bell tolled. So…lucky me…Judy was the first AHS girl I kissed.”

Stuart Roether recently visited the AHS website for the first time. He says he’s “still kicking and not nearly as square as I was in ’57. I got a letter from Peggy Tremayne. Just a few days prior, I had been thinking about our classmates. Déjà vu! I live in Oakhurst, half way between Fresno and Yosemite. My children live in Santa Clarita, Palmdale and a daughter lives locally. Wondering how many of us are still left on the planet.”

Dick Carl Martin lost his wife, Beverley this past summer after 53 years of marriage. “We were inseparable. It’s hard to continue on by myself, although my daughter is close by here in Hesperia. Nevertheless, it’s going to be difficult. Bev worked for the Sheriff’s Department. She was a stone hot-rodder like myself and had her own street rod. I’ve been wondering if there are other reunions/get-togethers planned. I was racing during the last three and unable to attend, but now I’ve hung it up and will be looking forward to any get-togethers. I often wonder what happened to Chuck Peterson, ‘60 and Bill Whitehead.”

Susie Cumins Newell told husband, Russ (’57) that they should share their “newsy” stuff, except that it’s always the same: bikes (Russ rides a Harley) and babies! Together Susie and Russ have 7 children, 25 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren and another due in January. Plus, lots of siblings and their spouses, nieces and nephews, some living nearby. “This year our extended family grew by three more babies; year before last it was four more. The ages of the great grandchildren range from 17 years to 5 months + one in the oven. We send birthday cards at the rate of about one per week.”

Wishing you all a peaceful holiday season and the blessings of family, friends and good health in the coming year. I’ll update again in Spring 2019.

April 2018

A very belated update to the Class Notes! Thank you all for contributing, and apologies if your news is no longer relevant or is seriously out of date. Here goes…in order, more or less…of receipt from faithful classmates:

In 2016…

Penny Grund, wife of Lee Grund, sent a lovely notecard with news of their ten-day visit with Diana and Bob Jones at their New Orleans home in October 2015, where they celebrated Diana and Bob’s 49th wedding anniversary with a road trip and stops at some “simply fabulous” historic places. One of the highlights: Dunleith Historic Inn [www.dunleith.com]. “We truly stepped into ‘the Old South’. Much has changed, but some things do remain the same. Bob was a good sport to drive; Diana was the consummate Southern hostess. We have been friends for a long, long time!”

Dick Croxall is still consulting for Aerospace Corp. on major space program assessments and playing with collector cars. “I’m also having fun working with son Rob’s El Segundo Brewing Co. (doing very well) and watching son Dan’s law professorship thrive. Five grandkids keep us young, and we have some pretty good softball and baseball players who are great to watch. Nancy and I still communicate and get together with some of our SoCal classmates: Leach’s, Allison’s, Wesser’s, Eldredge’s, Reichert’s, etc. It’s just like old times when we get together (and we’re still as silly). We’re lucky to be in pretty good health except for the usual aging knees, joints and brains. Any thoughts on the 60th? I’m willing to help. Thinking maybe it should be in Arcadia if there’s a suitable place.”

In June, Shirley Burgess Vanderbeck was selected as one of four National Notary of the Year honorees at the annual convention of the National Notary Association. “It was a shock to be selected on the national level. In August, I passed a rigorous two-day examination in Denver, CO to become a Professional Registered Parliamentarian.” Congratulations, Shirley!

Jean Golish Clark and husband, Tom, went on a Princess cruise of Baltic/Scandinavian cities and countries in June/July, beginning in Copenhagen and ending in Stockholm, with stops in Berlin, Oslo, Tallin, Helsinki and St. Petersburg. They took guided tours and also enjoyed wandering on their own with Rick Steve’s book. “We spent two days in St. Petersburg. People keep asking which place we liked the best. They were all interesting! I especially enjoyed Berlin. We had an excellent tour guide. Saw the Berlin Wall and Check Point Charlie.”

Speed Week at Bonneville Flats, UT was scheduled in August. Did it ever happen, Richard Carl ‘Dick’ Martin? “Most say the salt is too thin and will not handle the hundreds of runs. Streamliners need at least ten miles to run. If it is again cancelled, I am done. Too old…that simple, sorry to say. Ron Knudsen is on the crew; about the only time I see Ron. I live in Hesperia and Ron, Santa Rosa. I hope someday we can all get together again.”

Penny Havens Deley and Susie Cumins Newell have been enjoying the visits of neighborhood bunnies. In Penny’s case, “It’s the little brown bunny who makes daily visits to my patio garden. Sometimes he comes right up to the glass door and peers in…unexpected simple pleasures.” And Susie: “Tator Tot” is his/her name, lives next door, visits frequently and is well loved and fed!

Jody Geivet Kloch [along with others] wrote words of encouragement for David and me: “I’m a cancer survivor. I know it ain’t easy and ain’t fun, but somehow the roller coaster of life always heads back up again. I had to use the ain’ts in memory of Miss Learned, who was the best, and scariest, teacher ever. After I graduated college, I went back to AHS to tell her I was teaching 8th grade English. In typical Miss Learned fashion she remained expressionless. I did kinda anticipate a smile or an ‘atta-girl’. Sigh.” [Anyone who had her for English can sympathize, Jody.]

Gordon Maddock goes fishing with AHS grad Warren Forrest (’56) in summer, hunts waterfowl and upland game birds in Baja in winter and spring (with an open invitation for classmates to join them), and is enjoying a small lodge on the Colorado River with friends. He included some news that will bring a ‘tear to the eyes’ of the Class of ’57:
“Those of you who visited Arcadia in 1967 will remember that Van de Kamp’s opened one of its restaurants at the northeast corner of Santa Anita and Huntington Drive. The building had a unique round design and featured a 4-blade lighted windmill. Later Van de Kamps retreated from the restaurant business and sold the property. Denny’s bought it years ago and was going to demolish the building for a new structure. Thanks to those Arcadians who fought to preserve it, the building still stands, windmill and all. For years the windmill has been idle, but Denny’s restored it, added some LED lighting, and now, following a big ceremony in July 2016, the windmill lives again!”

In June 2016, Toni Calamia Stevenson wrote: “All is good. Just enjoying my grandkids and great-grandkids. Love hearing about all our classmates. I pray for good health for everyone. Take care.”

Pam Boller Pingle: “My 6th great grandchild was born in March. A 6th will arrive next November. Naiya is called The Michelin baby, only two months old and has rolls and rolls. She tops all the charts, smiles all the time, practically from birth. Amazing! My son’s mother-in-law and I went cross country for five weeks this spring. We stopped and saw Linda Brill Smith in Lindon, UT and Alice Bishop Kennedy and her husband, Jay, in Keowee Key, South Carolina. Both are fine and none of us looks or feels our ages. (Ha, ha.) It’s hard to believe how many years have gone by since we had our all-night party!”
In September Pam went to Australia for two weeks. “My son and his wife are there for four months while he’s on a teaching sabbatical.” Pam got to enjoy the sites and went snorkeling [!] on the Great Barrier Reef. “Due to my Girl Scout days—swimming in Binnie and Barry Busby’s pool with Karen Grell, JoJean Griffin, Marcia Sheehan, and so many other Arcadians—I still love swimming and do it almost every day. Another highlight: wine tasting in the Hunter Valley and watching a mob of kangaroo run across the vineyards into the forest. Really! It was not the wine!”
[BTW…Pam’s granddaughter and three of her great-grandchildren live in Shelter Cove, CA, not far from Margaret Ann ‘Maggie’ Spencer Carey and husband, Joe, owners of Briceland Vineyards.]

Chris Dueker’s appreciation for our high school experience is still growing: “I continue to value many of our classmates and teachers. In my AHS typing class Dick Leach was a star. Bill Hamilton was also in the class, and one day he got in a huge fight. He was quite a fighter. Fortunately, we were chums. I don’t know who he was fighting with. This story is not as sweet as Penny’s [Havens Deley].” 😉

Judy Bullock Cadenasso: “Sil and I moved in June. Still in San Luis Obispo, just two blocks down the street. We might as well have moved across country. [!] We spent a few days with Nancy Roscoe Gilmore in May. She and Gary live in Palm Desert. We are currently doing two home exchanges, one in Banff, Alberta, Canada and the other in Victoria, BC, returning home in August.”

As you may recall, Marian Blake Rowe spent three years recovering from a near-death experience in Paraguay. (See Jan/Feb 2014) She then spent two winters in Honduras living on the beachfront and swimming in the Caribbean. As of October 2016, she was flying to Oman for a three-month course in Arabic at a small school. “I will be their oldest student at 77 years of age! Intense interest in the Arabic language and culture has stayed with me ever since my Peace Corps tour in Morocco in 1992-94, during which time I functioned well in Arabic and was on the verge of fluency. Ever since, I have aspired to continue studies and someday speak fluently.” In 2004, Marian was planning to attend this same school in conjunction with a reunion and visit with her son, Alan, when she learned he had been killed in combat in Iraq. Her hope now is to acquire sufficient Arabic language skills, so that maybe she can travel to the Syrian-Iraqi border town where Alan lost his life to an IED “to pay homage to my beloved son.”

Gary Tickemeyer reconnected with Tom Boswell after 59 years. “Tom and his wife, Kathy, spent several days in our driveway in Coeur d’Alene, ID in their camper. We were good friends, and track and field teammates. What a special treat!”

John Heidtke: “I’m a Deacon at the 1300-member North Palm Beach First Presbyterian Church and a volunteer for the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office. My wife, Penny, is President of Jupiter Medical Center Volunteers, 600 strong. When people find out we work for free, they come knocking at our door. Last time I came to a reunion [50th], I got the award for traveling the farthest. It was a towel with our class logo. I gave it away, then and there, to my fondest high school dream girl, Karen Cunningham [Schaeffer]. I was always too timid to ask for a date. My bucket list includes revisiting Arcadia and my friends who stuck it out. Meanwhile, we are hunkered down here in FL as I write, expecting 140 mph winds tonight.” [As it turned out, Hurricane Matthew mostly brushed by John and Penny. Their neighborhood only lost a few trees, but others weren’t so lucky.]

Barbi’ Knopp Wesser and Don (’56) flew to Philadelphia in August to visit their daughter, her husband and grandsons, and from there flew to Copenhagen for three days to begin an eight-day Baltic/Scandinavia cruise with 16 friends on the Oceania that ended in Stockholm (four days) with stops in Berlin, Riga, Tallin, Helsinki and St. Petersburg. They returned to Philadelphia for more family time, arriving back in CA on Sept. 10th. “In St. Petersburg we went to the Hermitage which, in our estimation, rivaled our favorite palace, Versailles. Stockholm ranks high as one of my favorite international cities along with Sydney.”

Bill Eldredge: “I’m having fun trading insults with Chris [Dueker] since he moved to Eagle, ID. Molly (Sinkule ’59) and I left McCall, ID six years ago and moved back to San Diego to dodge the snow and be near our grandkids. Loved our 22 years up there, but it was time to leave the mountains as a full-time experience. We get together with the Leach’s, Lindells, Reicherts, Croxalls, Allisons and Wessers every year for a three-day reunion. This time we meet in San Diego. The men show up, but the women do all the planning and hard work. Nothing changes!”

In October, ‘Barbi’ Knopp Wesser and husband, Don (’56), joined the Eldredges, along with the Lindells, Leach’s, Allisons and Richerts, at La Jolla Shores. “We saw some San Diego sights, had lots of great meals and enjoyed each other’s company. It’s becoming an annual event. It’s fun to share what’s going on in our lives, plus telling endless stories about our days in elementary through high school.”

Dorene Meisch Leatherwood sent another lovely Christmas 2016 greeting with news of her large and active family. At the end of the year, her eight grandchildren, ages 10 – 23, were either preparing for college or finishing their degrees, interviewing for a scholarship to China, participating in sports or engaged in other high school activities. Her husband, Ed, has enjoyed gardening and growing tomatoes, and Dorene continues to attend her grandchiildren’s school activities, football games and still enjoys quilting. Major holidays are a treasured time for family get-togethers.

In 2017…

Barbara Gumz Willis was sorry to miss the 60th reunion, and, along with others, is hoping there will be another one. “I so enjoyed the 50th. Please keep me in the AHS loop. I really have fond memories, even though I was only at Arcadia my last two years. They were good years!”

Harvey Herr: “So sorry that I missed yet another reunion. I am, however, alive and well. I currently work in Beirut, Lebanon; my family lives in Nairobi, Kenya. My two sisters live in Santa Cruz. I’m in frequent contact with John Sullivan from our class. I look forward to a time when I will be able to attend one of the reunions. My very best to everyone, and especially those who look after remembering the Class of ’57. Kind regards, Harvey.”

John Covey sent his regrets for the 60th: “I’m at my summer home in Montana and the logistics of travel are challenging to say the least. Seventy-mile drive to catch a bus. Then 300 miles by bus to airport, fly to Ontario, rent a car and reverse the process to get back here. [John, we empathize.] My contact information is the same: summer in Montana and winter in Arizona. Health is good, just older. My best to all ’57 classmates.”

June was a busy, full, bittersweet time for several classmates who lost their spouses. Pat Killeen’s husband, Phil Gosswiller, died in March, shortly before the 60th reunion. She was unable to come and sent her regrets as her grandson was graduating from college that same weekend. The memorial service for Phil was held a week later. Condolences to you, Pat. And condolences for Bob Askin, whose wife, Jayne, died in May of lung cancer shortly before the 60th. Jayne was a lovely person, and the glue that kept me and others in our class in contact with them. Bob came with Rene Caron to Lee Grund’s and Penny’s home for the reunion picnic. It was good to see you there, Bob.

Although life has begun to slow down a bit for Marian Blake Rowe, in August she and her grandson, Blake [Alan’s son], made a high school graduation-present trip to Morocco and Spain where she was able to reunite with friends and ‘family’ from her Peace Corps days and introduce her grandson to the Arabic world. “It would be wonderful to see some of our classmates again before we dwindle further in number or capacity for travel. If I can be of any help here in the ID boonies, I would sure welcome the chance.”

Albert ‘Bert’ McKinley sends his best regards to everyone and is sorry to have missed the 60th. “Jo and I would have loved to be there but didn’t know about it. In 2014 I retired at the age of 76 for health reasons, but we are still as active as possible with our church, Knights of Columbus and other charitable activities.”

In Sept/Oct, Jean Golisch Clark and husband, Tom, took a road trip beginning and ending in Cleveland, OH. Their 2,000-mile drive included quite a few bucket list items: Niagara Falls, Montreal, Quebec City, the Finger Lakes area of New York and Corning, NY. Highlights included lots of beautiful scenery, three Halls of Fame (football, baseball, rock & roll), historic Montreal and Quebec City, and a stunning glass museum in Corning.

In 2018…

It was good to hear from Alice Bishop Kennedy: “I really appreciate getting information about our classmates. I see that my last class note was written in 1999, so updating is way overdue. My husband, Jay, and I continue to enjoy life in South Carolina on beautiful Lake Keowee. We have watched our grandchildren grow up loving their time at the lake. Jay and I don’t water ski any longer, but love watching our children, grandchildren and their friends having such a great time. We do continue to enjoy the lake by kayaking and sailing our small sailboat.”

Jane Biffle Rader: “Thank God, all is well up here! [Anderson, CA] JoAnn [Biffle Caro] and I hauled our horses up to the mountains yesterday and rode for over five hours up and down mountain trails. [!] My back gets a little sore and that’s all for now…thank goodness. My new knee joint is working out great.”

Marylee Grant Goyan visited Susan Cramer Peters in March/April to celebrate Susan’s birthday week. They saw art exhibits, ate delicious food from Sausalito to Sonoma, went to a Warriors game where they ate more delicious food, [truly!] and watched them win. Another highlight: a lovely day for lunch and shopping in Healdsburg, CA with Jean Golisch Clark and Penny Pearson Labourdette.

Barbi Knopp Wesser and Don (’56) will travel to PA in June to see their youngest grandchild, Nick, graduate from high school. “Afterward, we are going on a Holland America cruise starting in Montreal, traveling to the Canadian maritime provinces, and ending in Boston.”

Pam Boller Pingle: “Yes, I am still traveling. Just went on an 11-day Caribbean island-hopping cruise, and in April/May will go on another five-week cross country trip with my son’s mother-in-law, our 4th trip. We go every other year and see mutual family and friends along the way. We will miss seeing Jay and Alice Bishop Kennedy this time, but we will see Linda Brill Smith in UT and Patti Elliott Clark (’59) in CO. Patti was a couple of years behind us but lived right behind me in Arcadia. I love seeing all of them and other sights (usually historic or musical) as well. In summer I’m going to Hawaii. In September I will go on a two-week cruise to mainly Iceland and Scotland. Someone has to do it!” [Pam is, without a doubt, the Class of ‘57 travel queen.]

Rene Caron and his wife, Sandy, have undergone significant changes in their lives since the 60th reunion. In August 2017, due to the progression of Sandy’s Alzheimer’s disease, it became necessary to move her to the memory care unit of Aegis Living of Laguna Niguel. It is only 10-15 minutes from their home, so Rene is able to visit regularly.
“The changes have been challenging, but our circle of friends has been great in supporting both of us and providing me with a reasonably active social life. Sandy is adjusting to her new life at Aegis. Her beautiful smile, caring disposition and sense of humor are still evident at times. Her Alzheimer’s continues to progress at a steady and increasingly debilitating rate, sad and difficult for me to accept, but I’m gradually learning to live with it. I still do consulting work with some of my old clients, which has been great in keeping me occupied and my brain working. I’m making plans to sell our home and will be moving to a smaller place in the Laguna Niguel/Dana Point/Aliso Viejo area in the near future.”

***Dick Croxall says there is growing interest in a 62-year reunion. “We aren’t getting any younger!” Please pass along any thoughts you may have for when and where we might do this to Dick and other interested classmates. croxall1@earthlink.net ***

January 2016

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Life is a mixed blessing. First some sad news:

Penny Pearson Labourdette's husband, Al, died in October. Their 54-year marriage began after he and Penny met through mutual friends while Al was stationed in Pasadena as an officer in the Army. Penny and Al enjoyed 14 exciting and eventful years of military travel while raising four children, eventually settling in Novato, CA, where Susan Cramer Peters, Jean Golisch Clark, Marylee Grant Goyan and I became reacquainted with her. After Al retired, he and Penny continued their love of travel, taking many enjoyable cruises. Penny is grateful for her children and grandchildren who live in the area and continues to enjoy the company of many friends and neighbors she and Al made during 40 years of living in No. CA.

Ross Heale passed away this month after an extended illness. He had been bedridden for years due to an autoimmune disorder. See Class Notes (June 2012) and the Obituary for more details. Thank you, Richard Bensen, for sharing this information.

And for those of us keeping on keeping on:

John Heidtke, now living in FL, has found some wonderful ways to fill the vacuum created when he and Penny moved. "Our Lord provided the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office Volunteers, a developing Deaconship position with North Palm Beach Presbyterian Church and a volunteer position with Jupiter Medical Center, our big local hospital, in Pastoral Care Services." John comforts, cheers and shares good will with the seriously ill and dying, giving each a short 'hands on' prayer. "There are 20 of us Geezers doing this. [I have a] selfish reason for involving myself in their lives at a critical juncture: it is a big blessing for me to have gained insight into my own existence through the eyes of those ahead of me."

Bill Hohlt continues to enjoy life in Ely, NV, "the most isolated, incorporated city in the USA, 240 miles from any large city...Las Vegas, Salt Lake City or Twin Fall, ID." He is still a full-time volunteer on the Nevada Northern Railway working as a conductor or brakeman. (See Class Notes, August 2015.)

Dorene Meisch Leatherwood sent a family photo and Christmas greeting. Her three children and eight grandchildren, ages 9 to 21, are healthy, happy and involved in different sports, school activities, and 4H projects. Her husband, Ed, has had health problems which keep her busy, and Dorene, herself, admits to slowing down, "...which has been difficult for me to do." She feels blessed that they have been able to remain in their home. Her daughter and grandchildren help out, and she still enjoys scrapbooking, quilting and working in her flower beds when she is able. At the time of her letter, there still was no snow in OH and, "...it looks like we will have a mild winter."

Life continues busy and active for Peggy Tremayne and husband, Harry. He is retired; she has cut her MFT practice to one or two days a week. Their two children and five grandchildren are doing well. "Our oldest grandson just graduated from Harvard--brag, brag. That makes us very old, old! We still love to travel [plane, auto, ship], most recently a cruise to Buenos Aires where much of Harry's family lives. Last year we sailed the west coast of Africa from Cape Town to London, our 4th trip to Africa. We still love our condo in Puerto Vallarta and try to stay there for several months each year. I would love to hear from longtime (not old) friends. Best wishes to everyone for a healthy, happy New Year."

David Gilmour is officially, fully retired. He spent most of his working life in the grocery business, beginning in high school at Alpha Beta with Doug Nanninga and Ray Mueller, and for the past 15 years as owner/operator of Paradise Foods in Marin County. He continues to support his church and several community programs, currently serving on the executive committee for the Episcopal Diocese of California. A new vacation home at Lake Tahoe also keeps him busy. He and Nancy Montgomery Gilmour spent a memorable Christmas in Jamaica with two of their children and their spouses, and four of their grandchildren. 

Chris Dueker and his wife, Joyce, are settled into their new home in Eagle, ID. As of mid- December, they were still waiting for winter to arrive. He sent this timely quote from Alfred Lord Tennyson, which we hope...at least for some...is prescient as well as precise:

Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come
And whispers, "It will be happier."

Thank you, Chris. Best winter wishes, everyone!

August 2015

Thanks to you who sent news awhile back and to all for patiently waiting for this update. Slow in coming!

Jack Shuler> reluctantly, and stoically, shared that he and his wife, Nardos, will no longer be making their mission trips worldwide to take dentistry to those who otherwise wouldn't have it. "Arthritis finally did me in...unfortunately dentists use their hands.  God was good to allow us the health and greenbacks to do this. Dental needs are so severely lacking worldwide. I have the opinion that there is a greater need for dentists than physicians in the developing countries.  [It has been] A GREAT RIDE!" Jack and Nardos made 41 trips! They also had a very busy restorative practice in Londonderry, NH for 35 years.

Patricia 'Tricia' Keith Spiegel has retired...sort of. "I will keep writing but on my own terms." She and her husband, Rich, are now living in Rossmoor in Walnut Creek, CA, a development for active seniors in the San Francisco Bay Area. "The decision was driven largely by the desire to be closer to our six grandkids. We figure the window of time when they come bouncing and squealing to the door when we arrive does not stay open forever. It was worth it to us to facilitate those blessed events. Before, we usually spent more time on the 680 than with them."

Jim Allison and his wife, Margie, are doing well, but are worried about forest fires this summer. At the time of his letter (6/19), the large fire below Big Bear was still largely out of control and they were getting a lot of smoke. "It's been a dry year. I'm sure for you too." Thank you, Jim, for another unexpected and generous contribution to the Website Angels!

Outdated, but always appreciated, is news from Chris Dueker, 6/24 (now living in ID): "I continue my relentlessness in home organization. There was a fine surprise yesterday when I opened a box of long unseen books: my four AHS annuals. No more box for them; now a place of honor. In May I was in SoCal for a medical school reunion. Daughter Donna took me on a tour of our Arcadia neighborhood. The peacocks are not endangered. John Lindell's [home] is becoming a hotel-sized residence. Eagle Rock is thriving. Two weeks ago we were over in Ketchum/Sun Valley. The regional history librarian at the community library has recently moved from NYC. She had been in CA before that. She is a younger graduate of AHS. The world is both small and young."

Rene Caron and his partner sold their business at the beginning of this year. Rene will be transitioning to retirement by the end of 2015. "I am currently working four days per week in a consulting capacity and will be down to half time before the end of summer. I feel fortunate to have the luxury to be able to slowly decompress over the next several months. After that I'm looking forward to an active 'retirement' as I know I won't be content to simply sit around. We are off to upstate NY this summer to spend time with Sandy's family in her home town of Cortland, about 35 miles from Syracuse. If there's a 60th reunion, count me in!"

A few people have begun to inquire about a 60-year reunion Is there interest? Any suggestions, ideas? Volunteers?

Nancy Roscoe Gilmore replied: "I'm interested in the 60th reunion and am willing to help on the committee. I missed the 50th because of a special cruise to Hawaii. Gary and I have been in Palm Desert since 2006 and love it. It does get hot in the summer months but the rest of the year is wonderful. Both Gary and I volunteer at the Living Desert in PD. Gary is involved with the G-Scale Railroad and volunteers 30-40 hours a week during the cooler months. I spend one morning a week in the petting zoo with Nigerian dwarf goats. I'm a member of the Friends of the Desert Mountains, and this year was my first year to volunteer for the Humana Challenge Golf Tournament and the BNP Paribas Open Tennis Tournament.  Judy Bullock Cadenasso and I try to get together every year, occasionally in Hawaii. Hopefully, we will have a 60th reunion. I would love to see everyone again. PS: Judy lives in San Luis Obispo and if any of the girls want to get together for several days, either San Luis Obispo or Paso Robles are fun places to visit and go wine tasting. I could meet you there."

John Albi and his wife, Valerie (Vaughn '56), have moved to Brookings, OR. "We got tired of the cold and wanted to be closer to our kids in the Bay Area. If we have another reunion, we should be able to make it since we are closer and have retired from our past wine business."

Bill Hohlt recently moved from Walnut Creek "to the most isolated city in the continual United States--Ely, NV. I'm working as a volunteer at the Nevada Northern Railway, national historical landmark, as a conductor. If anyone comes by Ely, be sure to stop by and say, Hi."

(New address and contact information for John and Bill is in the Directory.)

Susan Cramer Peters and Marylee Grant Goyan recently enjoyed a few days at the Inn at Occidental, Occidental, CA. On their first day out exploring they ran unexpectedly into Steve Grant! Some of you may recall that Susan and Steve were next door neighbors in high school. Steve and his wife, Jeannette, live part-time in Occidental. They also have a place in San Francisco to enjoy city life.
Susan also hosted lunch in her home for Jean Golish Clark, Penny Pearson Labourdette and Nancy Montgomery Gilmour while Marylee was visiting.

BTW...we received a few additional replies to questions regarding a
60th reunion that went something like this:
Marylee Grant Goyan: I thought Bill Eldredge said he was doing our 60th at Denny's. 
Chris Dueker: Bill E offered to arrange the 70th. I didn't hear the venue since my ears have a spam filter.
Nancy Montgomery Gilmour: Like Marylee, David and I thought it was the 60th. We believe he also said he would reserve a table.

Bill Eldredge: Whooo! I said the 75th. I need time to plan this thing. Who knows, Denny's could change their Value Menu and throw a monkey wrench into the whole affair. I'm working on doing some TV reruns of Lawrence Welk shows for entertainment and dancing. Stay tuned for further details.  Willy

   And there you have it. Stay Tuned!!

April 2015

Thanks to those of you who sent Christmas 2014 cards and greetings! It's always nice to see pics and hear your news. The Leatherwood family in OH...Dorene Meisch Leatherwood...experienced a year of inter-generational events and excitement. She and Ed celebrated their 50-year wedding anniversary; their grandchildren's college, high school and elementary school activities kept them busy; there were some surgeries and some family travel. In August, Dorene, one of her sons, and two of her grandchildren flew to CA and drove up the eastern side of the Sierras, traveling north from desert to forest and south down the Pacific Coast. They saw evidence of the drought everywhere. In Santa Barbara Dorene stayed overnight and enjoyed reminiscing with Penny Havens Deley before continuing on to So. CA beach cities, Hollywood and Pasadena to visit her cousin.

Bill Hamilton: "Marilyn and I had a good year. We finished moving [to Paso Robles], then went to Ireland, Scotland, England and Paris. Stood on top of the Eiffel Tower, also were in the Hamilton and Montgomery castles. My grandmother was a merry Montgomery from Aughnacloy [County Tyrone, No. Ireland] and grandfather was from Kilrea [County Londonderry]. I thought you might like to know." [Yes, Bill, very interesting. The Hamilton and Montgomery clans are closely linked in Scottish history. For their 2014 Christmas card, Bill and Marilyn had their picture taken standing next to a sign that reads 'Montgomery Street'!]

Chris Dueker emailed Feb. 5 from his new home in Eagle, ID: "We seem to have mild winters here. I would have liked more snow. Today is Joyce's birthday. Not surprisingly, she asked me to make her a lemon meringue pie. One doesn't go into an ID backyard to pick lemons, but the stage coach brings them to the general store (or Albertsons, Whole Foods or Trader Joe's). I have been making these pies since Bill Winn and I made one as part of a dinner for his dad. In Miss Carrol's speech class, I later gave a talk on how to make a pie crust. I believe that rather started everything. The pie making requires attention to detail. A habit of paying attention saves lives. Remember that just one hole will sink a submarine. [!!!]
As Ever, Chris in the Kitchen for Many Hundreds of Pies"

At the end of this month, David Gilmour officially retires as owner/operator of Paradise Foods in Marin County. As we've acknowledged before, 'retirement' is most often what you make it, and David is hoping his will be an active one. He has established a new office and headquarters not far from home where he already is actively at work promoting and fund raising for a global Christian organization trying to make a positive difference in the lives of refugees and others caught up in the violence of war and terrorism in the Middle East. You can check out their website: http://www.awareness-foundation.co.uk/

Sally Galliher Wheeler, our former Aloha girl, is now settled into her new home in Tacoma, WA near her daughter and granddaughters. (Class Notes, Dec. 2014) Her new address info is in the Directory.

As always, thanks to all the Website Angels and Gordon Maddock who just surprised us with a big check. We are set for awhile!

December 2014

Robert 'Bob' Jones, M.D. and Diana are still living in New Orleans. Bob retired as a full-time professor post-Katrina; however, as an Emeritus Professor his faculty appointment is for life and he still teaches one day a week. His consulting practice is as busy as ever.

The inimitable Chris Dueker weighed in with words of wisdom on some possible causes of our AHS website glitch in November: global warming, big data overload, rent check lost in mail, polar vortex. 
Of course! Why didn't we think of that?

From Paul Geller: "Not much news here in Mandeville Canyon, on the edge of L.A. Susan is painting in her studio and I'm retiring, more and more. Regards to all!"  www.pgeller.com.

Gordon Maddock now lives in Rancho Cucamonga after living in Arcadia for 60 years. "I'm close to my children and grandchildren, whom I enjoy very much. I sold my real estate business  and commercial buildings five years ago after helping all my friends move from Arcadia. I retained my property management business which I'm semi-active in today. My spare time is spent hunting, fishing and enjoying my grandchildren. I hunt birds in Baja, fish throughout CA
and recently Alaska, in addition to some traveling."

Received a lovely note from Karen Hunter Slawson who has some joyful Christmas news: "Cassie [daughter] is now free of breast cancer following mega chemo treatments and her mastectomy. She is continuing her journey of reconstruction and radiation. She and her husband were just down from Olympia, WA to spend the weekend. It's the first time she's been able to travel this far since last March. The family will get together at our grandson's and his wife's Silverton farm for Christmas. We are going to try and make it a good one, although we will be missing George."
[See Class Notes, July 2014.]

November and December were busy travel/house moving months: Sally Galliher Wheeler sold her condominium on Oahu and is renting temporarily while she makes plans to move to WA state. She looks forward to living closer to her daughter, Brooke, and her granddaughters, Chloe and Tatum. Julie Albi Shelley and Donald moved back into their winter desert home in Borrego. They are planning a Christmas cruise on the River Danube to visit traditional European Christmas markets.  Susan Cramer Peters just returned from a wonderful Aloha week of  activities...luau, hikes...on Maui with her son, Craig, and his wife, and granddaughter, Brooke.  A few traveled to Coronado...Jean Golisch Clark, Megan Geffeney Wagner, Barbi Knopp Wesser and Nancy Montgomery Gilmour...for a visit with Marylee Grant Goyan and each other at her condominium on the bay. Wonderful weather, food and sightseeing. A highlight was the King Tut exhibit at the Natural History Museum in Balboa Park, amazing recreations of the boy king's tomb as it appeared when Howard Carter discovered it in 1922. http://www.sdnhm.org/kingtut/

Susie Cumins Newell: Susie doesn't travel much but every Christmas, she and Russ transform their lovely Silverton, OR home into a Christmas wonderland, inside and out. As I write this, they are tying things down in preparation for rain and strong winds heading their way. Good luck Susie!  
Rain has also come to CA. Yea!!

October 2014

Candy (Hopper) and John Lindell experienced some serious shaking during the Napa Valley earthquake this past August. Gratefully, their family pitched in to help with cleanup. Her own words express it best: "We are fine here. Just finished cleanup, etc. It was quite an experience. Scary. Our place is about five miles from the epicenter. Never know from day to day. Yes, there were so many people affected. Mostly broken things except for those who have older homes and trailer parks."
[Editor: I did some Internet research following the recent Napa quake. Ongoing seismological research and studies have determined that the aftershocks following the San Francisco earthquake of 1906 were felt over much of CA and continued for two...make that TWO...years!! We certainly need to be prepared for the 'big' one.]

Walter (Walt) Frickle sent us his current email. (See Directory) He has lived at the same address for 25 years since leaving CA. "Thank you for updating me about the website. Some of the 1957 graduates had been classmates and friends since Kindergarten at Holly Avenue School, and it saddens me to see them gone." Walt can be reached at wfrickle@hotmail.com and on Facebook.

Bill Hohlt emailed some interesting news which those still living in Arcadia, or who visit often, will not find as surprising as the rest of us: "The October 20-26 issue of Bloomburg Businessweek Magazine had a very interesting article on Arcadia about the Chinese money going into CA suburbs. According to this article there are many areas in Arcadia where the Asian population is over 60%, and most other areas are about 40%. Some change since we graduated."

There is information on the " Obituary page for Jim Gorjans, who passed away on September 23. Thanks, Barbi Knopp Wesser, for passing this along to us.

After many years, Chris Dueker and his wife, Joyce, have left CA and settled in ID. "Winter is approaching. The outdoor farmers' markets have closed until spring. This could be serious. [Adjustments, Chris, adjustments. ]
We are on the mail route at 741 Spyglass Way, Eagle, ID 83616. We sold the dog run since we've never had a dog and the cat is not interested in having one. We can't sell the golf course even though we don't do golf. I just returned from visiting brother David ('62), who was visiting his Wisconsin home during an interlude from Doha [Qatar]. We went down to Chicago which is bigger than Boise. Be careful on the ice. Aloha!"

A good story from Bill Eldredge: Molly and I were about to enjoy our first meal on a Viking cruise from Moscow to St. Petersburg this October. We sat at an empty table for four and a couple asked if they could join us. After some small talk we introduced ourselves. Our table mate said, 'Molly Eldredge! Are you Molly Sinkule who was a song leader and modern dancer at AHS? And Bill, was your dad, our doctor?' It was Clare Kingsbury Wheeler ('60) and the daughter of Fred Wheeler, owner of Arcadia Sporting Goods. I used to spend idle hours in his store eye-balling basketballs, football cleats, baseball gloves, etc. Claire is married to Dave Kingsbury ('58) whom she met at UCLA. We thoroughly enjoyed their company the rest of the trip. They live in Walnut Creek. We could have easily gone the whole trip and never connected. With 200 passengers, the odds were pretty slim, don't you think? I guess good AHS karma is everywhere, even in Russia!"

August 2014

Some very, very, VERY belated news from Jim Norris. Apologies, Jim, for my allowing this to get buried and forgetting it. Everyone, make a note of Jim's new email address: kelticjim@gmail.com. And as you're reading his news, please bear in mind that he sent this to me on October 21, 2013...nearly ten months ago!!! :(

"Things are going great in Florida. Tennis five or six days a week, some boating and lots of bourbon. Just got back from this year's vacation, about a month in Ireland, lot's of family history. Next year, the Norris' stuff in Wales. [Jim, perhaps you've already been to Wales now?] We have a complete family tree registered in the Library of Congress going back to the early 1300's in Wales. The first of the line I'm in is showing up here in the mid 1600's. Hope you and the class are well and prospering."

An update from Linda Stewart Little: "Bob and I will celebrate our 50th anniversary this November. We have two children (in Pasadena and Monrovia) and two grandchildren who will both be at Monrovia High School this fall. I had lunch [recently] with Sharon Nunnally Couchman ('56)." Linda has a new email address. (See Directory.)

And a bit of news from Chris Dueker who still has that wonderfully dry, unique sense of humor and likes to keep me guessing with his various aliases. Chris, please send us your new address!
     "In June I drove up to Eagle, ID to discover new wonders. We [Joyce and I] have not completed the tasks of moving in. [By now hopefully you have.] Please excuse me for ending a sentence with a preposition. I expect to be perfect in one year. Life in Idaho has definite charms. During my moving drive through the southeastern corner of Oregon, a handsome wolf crossed the highway and stood on a rock to observe my passage.
As Ever, Spud."

July 2014

Late breaking news! This past February 19, Dick Croxall was inducted into the Cal Poly Pomona College of Engineering Hall of Fame. Of 25,000 Cal Poly Engineering grads, Dick was one of 22 engineers celebrated at a black-tie event, followed the next day by the public unveiling of his photo in the hallways of Engineering Buildings 9 and 17. Dick worked for TRW/Northrop Grumman for 39 years and is currently an Aerospace Corporation consultant on major space system programs. Dick is also a Cal Poly Distinguished Alumni and has been a commencement speaker at Cal Poly and UCLA Anderson (his other alma mater). Congratulations to you, Dick!

John Heidtke and his wife, Penny (Robinson '62), moved in April to "the land of perpetual summer," Palm Beach Gardens, FL. (See Directory.) John has been "getting tight" with the PB County Sheriff's Department as a Volunteer..."amazing how there is always work for those who do it for free." Among his other volunteer activities, for 12 years John was a regular guest columnist for the Brunswick Beacon in Shallotte, NC.

Shirley Burgess Vanderbeck, inveterate traveler, is off to Japan again for two weeks in October. Send us an update, Shirley, after you return.

In June, Barbi Knopp Wesser, husband Don ('56), and several other AHS couples gathered together in Napa, CA for a memorable few days. Hosts John Lindell and Candace "Candy" Hopper Lindell offered their lovely wine country home as part B&B and place to gather. The group rode everywhere together to restaurants and wineries in a 15-passenger van driven by the host. Guests included Jim Allison and Margie, Ron Norton's wife, Charlene, Bill Eldredge and Molly (Sinkule '59), Richard Leach and Sandra (Swanson ' 59), and Myron Reichert and Linda (McClean '59).

Margaret Ann Spencer Carey (now known as "Maggie") and her partner, Joe Collins, are retired from Briceland Vineyards except that Maggie does all the paperwork. Son Andrew, married with a 12-year-old daughter, runs the daily operation. Her oldest son, Walter, is married with two children and is a PE coach in So. Lake Tahoe. Maggie and Joe now live in White Thorn on the coast, about one hour from Garberville. She loves it! (See Directory.)

Sad news from Karen Hunter Slawson: "My update this time is not a very happy one. My dearest dear, George Slawson, died of lymphoma and related complications on February 17. We had been together 43 years. At the same time George died, my daughter, Cassie, was diagnosed with cancer. She is currently receiving chemotherapy and is scheduled for surgery sometime in Sept. I am looking forward to a time when my daughter is well and my heart is easy."  Link to Obituary: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/statesmanjournal/obituary.aspx?n=george-slawson&pid=169880713&fhid=7982

See our Obituary Page for news of deceased classmates: Judy Manly Demarest, Janet Reeve Jacobson and Troy Lemons.

April 2014

Spring has finally sprung in the San Francisco Bay Area and we hope all of you are beginning to enjoy more sun and warm temperatures wherever you live. For some of us, it's been a long wait.  Remember when we were teens and the older generation would complain about having more body aches and stiffness in cold, damp weather?  I think we're there.

Last month, Barbi Knopp Wesser spoke with Garilee Buster Reif. Garilee told her that Judy Manly Demarest died about four years ago. That would put her death sometime around 2010. No cause was revealed. I've added her name to the Obituary Page Barbi also passed on the news that Garilee is doing well and living in the same home she's occupied for the past 50 years!

January/February 2014

Happy New Year! David and I hope 2014 is shaping up well for you. I want to begin by thanking those of you who sent good wishes and/or contributed at the end of 2013 to the ongoing cost of this website. We collected $525 and immediately spent $288 for the new webhost five-year contract and regular maintenance leaving a balance of $237. That should last us quite awhile. The list of Website Angels has grown to 37! If you made a contribution and your name is not listed on the Homepage, please let us know. Thank you all for your encouragement, generosity and good faith.

Sad news first: Dick Beauchemin died last August. This news was sent to us by John Heidtke. Thank you, John. And thanks to Myron Reichert who sent us some additional news for Lenore Abila Manning. (See Obituary.)

Barbi Knopp Wesser shared an interesting story: "[Last November] Don and I hosted a group for a potluck dinner in our home and among the couples was our secretary, Kim, and her husband Scott. I've known Kim for a couple of years but have never met her husband. They are in their 40s. Scott and I were talking and getting to know each other, asking where we grew up, went to college, etc. I mentioned I grew up in Arcadia and he said, 'Oh, my dad grew up in Arcadia and my mom in Monrovia.' I asked him if his dad attended AHS and he said, 'Yes.' I asked him his dad's name and nearly fell off my chair when he said, 'Dale Daniel!'. Of course, we all know that Dale died some years ago. Anyway, I told him the story of Dale and I running against each other for Student Body VP of First Avenue School. Of course, Dale won handily. Such a small world, huh. I really felt old, though, having dinner with Dale's son!"

For all you car racing fans: Carl 'Dick' Martin has been racing at the Bonneville Salt Flats during Speed Week for the past 11 years, and he's not giving up on his dream of breaking the record in his class. After an accidental fire last August (see Sept. 2013), he's determined to try again. "In case you're still wondering why I'm doing this? Well, I've been a racer since high school and have no intention of quitting. Bev fully understands, thank God. Driving home to Hesperia, I was already planning for next year. Ron [Knudsen], our best man when Bev and I married in '64, will be back. Many of you will remember Ron's Buick powered sports car he had in school, and later, a real Cobra. As I look at it, every year is a blessing when one can lay a little rubber...even on the Salt."

Congratulations to Joyce Mark Goodman who has written her first book, Is Gluten Free For Me? It contains 21 tasty, home cooked recipes and helpful tips for those who want to eat delicious gluten free and low glycemic foods. Joyce calls it her 'labor of love'. "I dedicated the book to my dear son, Michael, who lost his battle with diabetes at 44. This is a family venture. My other son, Mark, has created wonderful spices and I have bottled them and they are featured in the book. Doesn't matter what age we are, right? Helping people is what keeps me young." Joyce's book is available on Amazon for Kindle, smartphone or tablet, and is easy to order: http://amzn.to/1lniEiq

Proud grandmother Kay Petrusha Thompson hopes to travel to Thailand this spring to visit her granddaughter who graduated last year from Davis and is spending six months there teaching English. But also "...riding elephants, going to monkey festivals, scuba diving, hiking, island hopping and learning the culture. I have been living vicariously through her and loving every minute. This is my favorite picture of her. I think it should be on a travel poster. :)"

Dorene Meisch Leatherwood sent us a lovely Christmas photo and letter from Ashville, OH. "Ed and I are very thankful that our health is such that we can still live in our home and take care of ourselves. I've enjoyed water aerobics at the YMCA and have met some nice ladies my age. Also, I enjoy a quilting group that meets weekly and a Parkinson's support group that is really helpful. [Ed has Parkinson's and some other health issues.] After I come home from these activities, I become revitalized. I am still scrapbooking and right now working on Ed's and my 50th anniversary album. I can't believe that we have been married almost 50 years." Dorene and Ed have three grown children and eight grandchildren, all living in Ohio. She is grateful to God for their many blessings.

Two and a half years ago, Marian Blake Rowe nearly died while serving in the Peace Corps in Paraguay (see Aug. and Oct. 2011). She is still recovering. "It's been a rough couple of years getting back in the groove of life in the USA after such a wonderful experience in Paraguay and almost dying with septic shock. Am pretty much recovered but will never be the same after such a long period of being out of commission. I'm pretty sedentary compared to previous active life. Just content to enjoy life vicariously through my grandkids as they enter their teens and adulthood. I enjoy hearing from and about AHS classmates! I wonder often about Cheryl Powers and Cheryl Dinsmore, Lenore Abila, Arlynne Alison, Carol Crews, Carol Gibbons, Lynda Gibney, Roger Coates, Judy Shoemaker, Bruce Barrett, Bill Blunt, Steve Hilger, Mr. Shute's 6th grade class, Mrs. Bowen's 8th grade social studies, Mr. Boyer, orchestra, Mr. Neumeister, high school music. Remember Mrs. Butts from 8th grade math? What a grand old lady! The day she leaned back in her chair and actually fell over (feet straight up and almost lost her wig) will live on in my memory forever! I know Bill Eldredge was in that class. How many others out there? Any other memories out there?"

Over last Thanksgiving, David Gilmour and yours truly enjoyed a surprise visit with Lee Grund, and his wife Penny. One evening, our next door neighbor phoned to tell us that Lee and Penny were due at their home within the hour and asked if could we drop by for a visit. Lee and Penny's daughter, Suzanne, her husband and family (granddaughters, Allison and Natalie) live in Marin and are good friends with our neighbors. The bonus for David and me is those occasional phone calls and visits when Lee and Penny come to town. We spent much of the evening reminiscing about AHS...what fun! And speaking of their granddaughter Allison...the college-bound senior was featured in a local newspaper article last fall for her outstanding contribution to her high school's water polo team. She also serves as student body officer and contributes to her community, coaching the Special Olympics swim team and providing child care at a local child care center. They are justifiably proud of her! Barbi Knopp Wesser: "How fun that you got to see and visit with Lee and Penny. I've known Lee since 5th grade. Jean [Golisch Clark] probably has known him longer - from Holly Avenue?"

**Bulletin: Congratulations to Jean Golisch Clark and husband Tom who fly this week (Feb. 8) to Maui to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary! They'll be staying in the same condo for two weeks at a favorite resort in Lahaina where two years ago they enjoyed a beautiful balcony view of the ocean and tropical sunsets. Interesting sideline: the condo they're renting belongs to the woman they bought their home from on Elkins Place in Arcadia many years ago. Eighteen years later when they moved to Cloverdale (Sonoma County), the same woman bought it back from them! Not your typical real estate story. Aloha and Happy Anniversary, Jean and Tom!


September 2013

Carl 'Dick' Martin - Update: Lady luck wasn't with Dick at Bonneville for Speed Week. His Pontiac Fiero caught fire at the 2-mile marker at 152 mph which put it on the trailer. The record in his class is 173 mph. "I was sure we'd get the record this year. Next year for sure. Ron Knudsen was on my pit crew coming from Santa Rosa. I am planning to run in November at El Mirage just to check things out for next year. Always a racer since high school."

Patricia 'Tricia' Keith Spiegel retired as the Voran Distinguished Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Ball State University to conduct research for several years at Harvard Medical School and Simmons College in Boston. She now lives with her husband, Rich, and Tibetan terrier, Buzz, in an active retirement community in San Jose to be closer to her son and his family. Her four grandchildren are a source of great joy. She continues to write books. The latest one (Sept. 2013) is based on her years of service on the Ethics Committee of the American Psychological Association. Red Flag in Psychotherapy: Stories of Ethics Complaints and Resolutions tells the raw and furious back stories of how psychotherapy can go terribly wrong.

Peggy Tremayne: "After 25 years in education, including 13 years as a high school principal at North High School in Torrance, I still work half time plus as a Marriage and Family Therapist. I still live in Rancho Palos Verdes and spend as much time as I can at our beach-front condo on the best beach in Puerto Vallarta. I have five wonderful grandchildren, one in college at Harvard, another at George Washington University and three in high school--all smart, beautiful and kind."

Bill Hamilton and his wife, Marilyn, have moved to Paso Robles, a downsize from their 4100 sq. ft. home and 2 1/2 acres to a 2350 sq. ft. home on a city lot. He still has a three car garage, although somewhat smaller than the one he left. [!] Their new address information can be found in the Directory.

Barry Busby French - is pleased and excited about the recent admission of her 14-year-old granddaughter to the Interlochen Center for the Arts in northwest Michigan, a boarding school for grades 9 - 12. Admission to this prestigious school of fine arts is highly competitive. Only 40 new freshman were admitted for the fall term. The school offers the highest quality artistic training combined with college preparatory academics. Areas of study include music, theater, creative writing, motion picture arts, visual arts and dance. Barry is currently living in Covina as companion to an 89-year-old woman. A reluctant promise to help by staying with her for three nights turned into a very pleasant arrangement that so far has lasted a year!

July/August 2013

Carl 'Dick' Martin writes that he's still a racer and plans to make it to Bonneville again, August 10 - 16, for Speed Week. It will be his 11th year! He's hoping to break the record in his class in his Fiero now that it has a new Pontiac Super Duty 4 rated at 320 hp. The car has done 148 mph! Ron Knudsen (Dick's best man in '64) and Ron Clark are slated to go to the Salt Flats this year. "I haven't seen Clark since high school. I'm still writing for Rod & Custom magazine (about 12 years now) and a stone hot rodder." [Dick, did you get near or break the record at Bonneville?]

From Chris Dueker: I so enjoyed last June's [55-year reunion] escapades. Joyce and I went under contract to sell our home on 31 May after a blessedly short listing. God willing, I'll soon have a new listing. Top choices are Boise, Kansas City and Fresno (my birthplace). New Trails to Blaze!" [Chris...what trail did you take and where did you land?]

Joan Aunger Dean had some very sad news: She and her son, Bill, went on a long journey together as he battled colon cancer. "On Sunday, June 16, Bill lost his battle. He fought hard and stayed strong until the end, amazing even his doctors who gave him only days and he hung on for a week. We will be doing two memorials for him, one in Northern CA and one in Southern CA, probably the last week in July." [Joan, our thoughts and prayers go out to you. You may recall that other classmates have lost sons and daughters.]

Karen Hunter Slawson writes: "In response to your question of where is this tech age taking us, I have a little anecdote. I was sitting at my computer and griping to my grown grandson about my lack of tech savvy. He said, 'Don't feel bad, Grandma; it's just because you're old!' I looked up with a smile and said, 'Gee, thanks, Nate.' He countered with, 'No I'm serious. See it's hard for you because you didn't grow up with it. My dad (my son, Chris) knows more than you do; I know more than my dad does; and a six year-old knows more than I do.' I felt better after that! He's studying to be a mechanical engineer. Personally, I think he should go into politics. LOL!"  [Karen, we all can identify!]

Peggy Tremayne: "In June, I traveled to England (Cornwall and Devon) visiting family of Origen sites. Wonderful trip! I even visited a tin mine and inn owned by my family in the 1600's, and the Tremayne Heligan Gardens, restored and featured in a BBC series. I love England!" [Peggy sent additional information recently about our classmate, Joanna Funderberg. See the Obituary Page.]

David and Nancy (Montgomery) Gilmour opened their third grocery store this summer in Tiburon, CA. After quietly opening the doors and giving the staff several weeks to learn their new routines, we are hosting our official Grand Opening during the weekend of September 6 -8.  The theme will be Hawaiian, with luau style roast pig (minus the fire pit), Hawaiian music, live steel drums, hula dancing, Hawaiian snacks and more. Prize for the raffle winner is a trip for two to Hawaii! We've also been promised perfect Hawaiian-like weather.

I hope you've all had a pleasant summer and remain in good health. Now it's on to fall and winter. Cheers everyone!  

June 2013

Sadly the news for June is similar to the news for February...two more deaths of classmates. We appear to be entering a new era and are having to say goodbye in larger numbers. You will find news of Barbara Goldman Ajello and Jim Chilton on the Obituary page.

We also received news from Barbi Knopp Wesser via Richard Leach that our school principal, Mr. Elbert Souders, died recently at the tender age of 94. His funeral service was held at Arcadia Good Shepherd Methodist Church on March 16.

Thank you Web Angels Jim Allison for your ongoing commitment to this site with another contribution. We are changing web hosts later this year, and I'll let everyone know when we can use some more financial support.

I know many of you are enjoying the good life in retirement, semi- retirement or no retirement, so please email me with your news and I will add it to Class Notes for July/August. Thank you!

February 2013

There is some sad news at the beginning of this new year. Jo Gene Griffin Hurley, Al Banks, and Colleen Schurter Januzzi recently passed away. You will find more information on the Obituary page.

On a lighter note, Dick Croxall and Dick Leach shared a YouTube link that will take you back a few years. You must be of a certain age to appreciate it and two others I’ve included. Turn up your speakers and enjoy!

Best of Times - YouTube Best of Times Pt.2 - YouTube  Best of Times Pt.3 - YouTube

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